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WellBe is a comprehensive risk management company supporting Japanese companies operating in all of the world.

Core Partner

Since 2019

Date Established
Cases Handled Annually
Number of Personnel


Wellbe Co., Ltd (current Wellbe Marketing Japan Co., Ltd.) was founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1992 by Mr Masaru SHIIKAWA. Its first activity was launched in Shanghai, China, with a membership-based medical service, including health check-up for Japanese expatriates. Along with solid demand of Japanese global corporates, Wellbe has extended its medical services throughout Asia ever since. In 2012, Wellbe commenced the provision of its service outside Asia in partnership with global medical assistance corporates. Currently, we support more than 13,000 Japanese member corporates.

Branch offices: China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippine, Japan, Canada, Mexico, France and Bangladesh.


Send Enquiry

WellBe Holdings Limited
Room 1803-5, 8 Observatory Road
Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong